Monday, September 20, 2010

Combining Technology and Education to Benefit Students of All Kinds.

This blog is my web-based study reflection for EDER679.72----User Centered Design 1.

In this site I welcome the educators of whom possess professional knowledge on teaching (including principles, teachers and instructors the like in all levels of education). And students who are would-be teachers and as well as those who are interested in education. Of course the most important is people who are being educated because they are our "clients". Educational technology is a tremendous field for scholarly community and we need information and reflections from all over the world.

The major purpose for this web-based portfolio is to keep track of my insights, ideas,comprehensions and perspectives in the process of learning this course. As in my case, I am not yet set foot in the professional field in education. So in this site I will also express my not insightful views about education and maybe mostly are from a student's point of  view.And if anyone need a person to test their software of application, I am a willing volunteer.Also, because that I am from China, where the education is utterly different from western countries, I can also help people who want to develop an application which is worldwide used.

In the first class brainstorming I came up with an idea that develop a piano simulation application to help those who want to learn to play piano but do not possess one. To achieve this goals I definitely have a lot to think about. What I emphasize is not how to build the application but is what should be contain in this application.And I found Dr.Jacobsen's recommended text book "Human Factor" can help me broaden my horizon on technology or say it helps me to take a profound insight of "what is technology". Within this four months study, I will figure out how to develop this application and as well as supplement my knowledge on technology and education. Meanwhile, I will keep my mind open and may shift to another more useful or more urgent issue that need to be fix right away.

When comes to the long range plans...As for myself, First I need to read more books on education and need to access to the local educational web forum in order to get a clear view to the educational system in Calgary. And than I want to participate in education,to be a tutor or TA so that I would have my own insight in teaching.As for the application, I need to focus more on "client" needs and try to develop it in a more "human factor" way.

The subject is a big challenge for me due to the language and thinking pattern differences from my original education system. But I have faith in myself ... Hope I can do a good jor in this subject because I am really loving it!!!!


  1. Hi Catherine!
    I believe that your views will be very insightful, rather than 'not insightful', as you suggested. Even though there are many educators in the class, being so close to a topic doesn't always allow us to see things clearly. Often it takes a 'fresh set of eyes' to see things in a different light, which can be very revealing to those of us who are perhaps so close to the situation that we can't see it from all perspectives. I look forward to learning with and from you!
    p.s. You challenged me with the Chinese characters ... I'm not certain if I'm posting this correctly : )

  2. Hi Robin,
    Thanks for commtenting my blog!! :)
    I feel encouraged to see your words...Thank you so much!
    PS:Do you mean you this site is Chinese for you?I don't know what happen...because I set up this in and I thought it will present in English...:( I have to work it out...
