Sunday, January 23, 2011

eChunks 1

As machines start to take over more and more, however, they need to be socialized; they need to improve the way they communicate and interact and to recognize their limitations.” (P.9)---Norman

        Norman’s thought of socializing machines is quite interesting to me. As I read an article before, which talked about human beings are socialized animals that need to be constantly involve in social context in order to fully develop our mental intelligence. And now Norman is talking about machines need to be socialized so that to better communicate and interact with people.  That seems a whole new era for technology since machines from nowadays only do what they can do as human program them and that is mostly obedience.
        When talking about socializing, self-awareness first came into my mind. Socializing, to some degree, is expressing your individual views on certain issues. In most cases, it refers to having
conversation and interaction among one species of which they have the same living background and use the same language system.  Maybe there is cross-species socializing like human interact with cats and dogs or animal trainers, but both sides of these socializing are self-awareness creatures who have their own will. How about machines? Do they have self-awareness that can in fact having real conversation with human beings? A real conversation that is generate through their mental process instead of programming. If so, is that a machine as we known anymore?
        If a certain machines have the ability of communication and interaction, that would be an artificial intelligence product for sure. And if that were the way, even if the AI knows exactly what their limitations are, would they obey to those limitations? Or they are so intelligent to know that they have the power to disobey human and may even harm them?
        I am not saying that I am totally disagree Norman’s point of making machines being socialized. It is just my concern that if machines socialize and communicate they will evolve at a rate we cannot imagine and cannot control.

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